Report Copyright Infringement

We here at take Copyright Infringement of Intellectual Property very seriously and fully believe that our service is no place for Intellectual Property used without permission or used outside of their copyright or licence agreements. We fully expect users of our service to only use and upload artwork that they have full rights to do so. Using artwork that is public domain without copyright or licence agreements that would make it illegal to upload and in term illegal or immoral for us to host.

If you feel you have a valid copyright Infringement complaint and have the evidence to prove so then please contact us using our contact form, subject DMCA Complaint. Please provide a brief overview of your complaint and the url of the image(s). We will be in contact within 7 working days and make a decision based on the legality of your complaint (we may request further documentation to settle your legal ownership).

Where it is clearly obvious copyright Infringement has taken place, the offending material will be flagged and deleted from our database. If the copyright Infringement was from a registered member of our platform, then we will be in contact with the person regarding this Copyright Infringement. If there is clear history of a registered member uploading Intellectual Property on multiple occasions then he/she/they will be permanently banned from our platform.