PicHost.net - Privacy Policy

PicHost.net respects your privacy. Please read the following to learn more about our policies.

Information We Collect
PicHost.net collects and stores the personal information (such as your email address) that you provide when registering for an account. The creation of an account is required to use various features of this website, including the posting of comments.
You must be 13 years or older to register for a PicHost.net account. PicHost.net does not knowingly collect or maintain information about anyone under the age of 13.
Our log files automatically record certain non-personal information from your browser including your IP address, the pages you access, and the referring URL. When you submit content, or create an account, we may also store this information in a database used only by us. PicHost.net uses site cookies to identify your browser and aid in service operation.
PicHost.net cookies do not collect personal information that can be used to personally track or identify you.

How We Use This Information
PicHost.net will not sell or rent your personal information to third parties. We will only share your information if required by law, to apply our Terms of Service, to protect our rights and property, or if PicHost.net is acquired by a third party.
We will not use your personal information to send commercial or marketing messages without your prior consent. We may use your information in order to contact you regarding PicHost.net functionality and other customer service purposes.
Any personal information that you voluntarily disclose via your public profile, content submissions, or posts to the discussion areas become available to the public.

How we use advertises on PicHost.net
PicHost.net is affiliated with 1. Amazon Sarl, 2. Private Internet Access for most of the ads a user will see. We may collect a small kickback if you purchase any goods using these ads (you will not be charged anything towards this kickback), this helps towards the bills at PicHost.net
These companies will have their own comprehensive privacy policies that can be found on their websites.

Compiled on: March 26th, 2020